The Fetal Echocardiogram: What You Should Know

 The most prevalent congenital anomalies are congenital heart disorders (CHDs), which have an incidence rate of up to 75 per 1000 live births. About half or more of CHDs are mild and can be easily treated surgically, but the remainder is responsible for more than half of pediatric congenital abnormality mortality. 6 to 8 out of every 1000 live births (or 19 out of every 1000 live births if significant bicuspid aortic valve is taken into account) are known to have mild to severe abnormalities.

A fetal echocardiogram is generally understood to be a thorough sonographic examination designed to detect and classify fetal heart abnormalities before delivery. The neonate benefits from prenatal detection of CHD because it enables prompt medical care to be given and reduces morbidity from delayed diagnosis. We are proud to say that Carnegie Imaging for Women is one of the few facilities that offer patients a screening fetal echocardiography service. We can facilitate prompt evaluation by the pediatric cardiologist if a heart anomaly is suspected on our screening echocardiography.

What cannot be diagnosed on screening fetal echocardiogram?

Fetal echocardiography screening can detect about 80% of all congenital heart defects, although it cannot rule out the occurrence of minor septal defects, mild valvar abnormalities, coronary artery anomalies, or partial anomalous pulmonary venous return. Furthermore, a prenatal echocardiogram is unable to foretell the development of coarctation following ductal closure or the postnatal course of patent ductus arteriosus or patent foramen ovale.

When should a patient undergo a fetal echocardiogram?

We advise that fetal echocardiograms be performed throughout the prenatal period for all individuals who meet the criteria. Between 20 and 22 weeks of gestation, screening fetal echocardiograms are typically conducted, and they can be done on the same day as her scheduled comprehensive anatomical observation. A complete cardiac evaluation can be challenging due to acoustic shadowing due to technical limitations such as maternal obesity, fetal prone posture, and late gestation, and a repeat test at a later time may be required.

To know more about Fetal echo test price Burari, visit Fetal Heart Care.


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