What is Fetal Echocardiogram?

The fetal echocardiogram test is a relatively new modality of ultrasound test for detecting multiple fetal heart problems that went unnoticed during the level 2 ultrasound test in the majority of cases. It is just like a routine ultrasound test.

As we know that every year, lakhs of children are delivered with multiple types of congenital heart defects including heartbeat or rhythm problems or fetal heart pumping issues, making these common congenital defects in children, should keep fetal echocardiogram tests on the priority list of investigations that should be carried out during the pregnancy.

We can suspect few heart diseases even during the level 2 USG test, but by doing a fetal echocardiogram; can come to know almost 90–95% of heart problems in fetal life itself.

A fetal echocardiogram is very useful to test for detecting heart problems in the fetus and can counsel their parents, for future outlooks related, to particular heart concerns. We can plan whether to carry on pregnancy or not or where should deliver their baby as few cardiac diseases, are life-threatening that newborn baby in first few hours of life baby should deliver in setup neonatologist, pediatric cardiologist, as well as pediatric cardiac surgeon, is available on taking care of the neonate.

A fetal echocardiogram test can be carried out after 18 weeks of conception in the majority of pregnancies.

The expectant mother can come after taking food as well she is not expected to hold the urine for the test.

A fetal echocardiogram is free from the risk involved either to the mother or the fetus.

If an ultrasound report is showing concerns related to the fetal heart or in a few high-risk pregnancies (like the mother in case of diabetes, IVF or twin pregnancy, history of birth defects the heart in the family etc), a fetal echocardiogram should be carried out without a doubt.

Parents can be counseled in detail if a fetal heart problem is detected after doing a fetal echocardiogram test.

For more information about Fetal echo test cost Rohini, visit Fetal Heart Echo.


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